Thursday, February 28, 2008

I found this site from a forum that I joined the other day and I thought "wow, what a great idea!" I'm already a member of myspace, friendster, and facebook....I've been joining these social networking sites since I was in high school or maybe even 8th grade. I'm sure Yuwie will be the next big thing.....and it's FREE!

What really sets Yuwie apart from all the other social networking sites is the fact that you get PAID! Yep...that's right....I SAID YOU GET PAID!!! Yuwie pays their members when someone clicks on their profiles. If you want to check how it works and all that good stuff...just click on now!!!

I know I've spent a lot of time on myspace because it has allowed me to find people I haven't seen or talked to in years. I've reunited with my elementary school buddies, whom I haven't seen since we graduated from 8th grade. These places have also allowed me to keep up with their lives. People these days are really busy and have hectic networking allows you to do just socially, only of course on your own time. The internet is always alive....24/7/365 days.....regardless of the weather, the time, or's always up!!! That's what's so great about it. People no longer have to write letters the old fashion way....put them in envelopes, mail them out, and wait for a few days to get to where it's supposed to go. Let's not even discuss how long it will take to get a response. There's email these days....and social networking sites! It's quicker and more efficient. No wonder why all these people take advantage of it.

Yuwie offers a great potential to make money while networking. To my understanding, you make a percentage everytime someone clicks on your profile, then you also make a percentage off of people you refer....and off of the people they refer. The referral system works up to 10 tiers!!! Nobody's losing out on money...Yuwie still makes money while actually giving back to their members!

I can't believe you read through this whole thing without going to http://YUWIE.COM!!! Join under my name...Theresa! What are you waiting for??? It's free to join.....So Join Now!

Let's be friends, make friends, and make money together!!! GO TO

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Plug-In Profit Site

Visit my very own website at or go directly to the actual site

The Plug-In Profit Site seems to be a promising site and I've read really great reviews about it from forums. So, I've decided to give it a try and let you know what I think of it.

Stone Evans, the creator of the Plug-In Profit Site shows you how he makes money in 3 steps. One of the main things that caught my attention was the fact he was going to set up a website for me. GREAT! I can atleast save time from trying to make a website on my own. Props to all those who takes like 2 hours to make one. I for one, takes about a week just to make one website with the help of a program. With Plug-In Profit, all I really had to do was get my own domain name specifically from, and then sign up and get my affiliate ID from 6 different places. This allows me to have six streams of income. Best part of it is that it's automated. Basically, all the work is done for me. I have my own autoresponder and 400 automated emails that get sent out when people sign up. I don't really have to do anything.

This program does require money, but not hundreds like other programs ask you for. Although, if you have more money to invest...I think you'll have a better chance of seeing income quicker compared to those people who do not have the money to spend. My sources are limited so I personally can not afford to take big plunges with other programs. I also spent a little extra money buying traffic. Seemed like a good idea then, hopefully I wasn't wrong.

I really do like the idea of Plug-In Profit, but I was a little disappointed with the monthly fees associated with the website hosting and 2 of the affiliate programs. Of course I wouldn't mind paying these fees once I actually start seeing money flow in. But due to my current situation, I'm not too sure if I'll have enough to cover for hospital bills after I give birth. I really hope this website works out for me. Like I said, this was suggested to me by other people who have tried it and made money from it.


This is a real job.....

I've decided to take a break from all the research and just blog. I got up at 5 am and got ready to get on the web. Even though I'm pregnant, my internal clock still works. I'm usually at work by 7 getting up at 5 am is no biggie. To make me feel like this is a real job, I showered, changed, had my breakfast, put my contacts on, put my make up on....(yes my make up too).....and got started! HEY...if I'm gonna be serious about all this, I have to treat it and feel like it's a real job!!!

The past few days reminded me of the reason why I lost hope and gave up on making money online. There are so many scams out's almost unbelievable. It's hard to find a product that's honest and worth the time. Searching from one product to another, they almost all seem to be saying/promising the same things! It's hard to tell the good products from the bad products. BUT I refuse to give up!!! I know there are legit programs out there....because if there wasn't, how can all these people make so much money online???

Let me suggest.....joining a forum, perhaps a few forums. Just search for money making forums, work at home forums, etc... These places are free to join and are full of people who are either just starting out, have had some experience, and some who already makes six to seven figures. They are extremely helpful and nice.

Research continues.......

Monday, February 25, 2008

A little about me....

I am a 25 year old mom-to-be. I am currently 38 weeks pregnant and on my maternity leave. I have no idea what the future holds for me as far as work goes. I would really love to stay at home and take care of my son, but I do know that with a baby...I need money!!! I have very little right now....with car payments, credit cards, and other bills to pay for...I know that in a matter of a few weeks my resources will run out! (NOW...I'm not trying to make anyone feel sorry for me or anything). I've decided to look for various ways to produce some kind of income through the internet. I'm not looking for get rich quick schemes, I don't expect to make $5000 a day, rather more of a realistic/reasonable income...atleast to replace what I make working a 7-4 job. I've decided to start this blog so that I can keep track of the things I do, programs I join, and how I succeed in this internet world. Hopefully, someone else will find it useful...

I did try to make money online once before, but the programs I joined just got too complicated, required more money, and I just had no real motivation to keep me going. I was losing money rather than making money. I found myself applying for"real" jobs. When I got hired at a car dealership and started making some money, I stopped worrying about making money through the internet. I guess I figured why should I bother trying to make money online when I can make money in the real world!?!
Then not too long after I started at the dealership, I got pregnant..and things changed! How can I afford a baby??? I have barely enough for myself! OMG...I already have all these bills and now I'll have to worry about medical bills, clothes, diapers, food, formula......Who will watch him after I give birth? I can't afford daycare! AND who in their right mind would want to leave their newborn baby with strangers anyway!?! I want to be able to give the best for my baby!!! I'm sure parents, especially moms can relate to this. For the past few weeks, I've joined some forums and started researching options here and there. I have no choice but to make something work from the internet!!! It's different this time around, I have a baby coming very very soooooon (my motivation)....and I've learned that I have to do research first before jumping on the bandwagon. I hope that this blog will somehow be able to help others who are also looking for ways to make money online.....especially Moms.

If you're reading my blog and have any ideas you would like to share with me, I would love to hear your input.

Stay tuned.....
