Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's Wednesday....still no baby. 39 weeks....and no baby!!! Geez, I didn't think it would take this long. This baby was ready to come out at 31 weeks...then his dad told him he can't come out because he's grounded. I guess he got scared. Either that or he just wants to stay inside because of this cold wintery weather...snowing every other day (I don't blame him)!!!

Everyone's telling me to I walked from about 10 am to 5 pm, stopping every now and then. I went to the mall, the grocery, Target, Toys R Us, and another grocery. I told my I know how "fat" people feel when they complain about walking a lot--when in reality they've walked for an hour! (No offense). He just laughed at me. Gaining 40 lbs is no joke!!! I remember how I used to shop til I dropped and that meant walking for like 2 days..didn't even matter if I had lunch. Now, I have to take breaks every 30 minutes or so. My feet are killing me. On our way back to the car today...I thought I was going to knees were getting weak and my calves were getting tighter.

Reminded me of how I felt after we rode our bikes for 30-35 miles. Might not be a big deal for some, but for me I was not in shape whatsoever...I wanted to turn back after 2-3 miles. I hadn't exercised for almost a year and I just bought the bike the day before, hoping to get back in shape on my own pace. I wanted to cry..I was willing to stop wherever I was and wait for my brothers and my husband to pick me up with a car--even if it took 2-3 hours! They pushed me and I pushed myself. We actually had to stop at a bike store to buy me a padded seat so I had a better chance of making it home! We were less than half a mile away from home and my hubby ran over a nail and his tire blew. My 2 brothers headed home, grabbed my car and picked us up. We rested on the grass. I would have been able to make it home...I made it that far, I would've been able to ride another 10-13 blocks. I'm really glad I wasn't the reason that we didn't make it home! I would've never heard the end of it! Anyhow...I had to take muscle relaxers 5 minutes after we got home because I literally couldn't walk anymore!

Besides being tired, my back ache, and remembering what I was once capable of...the lesson I learned from all of this is...I can get far as long as I really push myself! Everything takes time, patience, and some sweat (and really tired feet). That's all folks. Maybe there will be a baby tomorrow???

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