Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Laying low...

I haven't done much the past two days. My back was killing me yesterday and today. I wish this baby would come out already! Anyhow...I decided to file my taxes today. That should help me a little bit...money-wise.

I've also been getting this money making opportunity letter in the mail....my second one this week and it's only tuesday. I know in the past, I've ignored these kinds of things. BUT I think I'm gonna give it a try. The first letter I got was about a month or a month and a half ago. Me and my husband had a fight about it and decided not to pursue it. He thought it was stupid and a total scam. So...I retyped the thing and then just dropped it. (Just in case I want to try it one day....behind his back of course!) I guess I want to prove him wrong! I really want to show him that I can make good money outside of just a normal day job.

The rest of the night...I'll be doing further research. Once I'm done, I'll keep you guys posted!

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